Storya: Peer Facilitators of Saint Louis School of Mandaue
Having read my blog; it made me realize that I have not written a single topic about what is it to be a PF or a Peer Facilitator. Way back in high school, I used to write about the events or the activities we had. The Summer Camps and the Vocation Jamboree's. Every time I share these to my friends, they always ask the question, "Why are you the one's doing that?" or "Why do you have to do it?". So, here's the answer:
A PF or Peer Facilitator of Saint Louis College- Cebu are the one's tasked to help our Moderator. The Moderator is like the Land lord, the master, the leader or the Democrat but amidst the role, he is still like a best friend and a big brother to us. He is the one who instructs us the things we should do. Example: Every Summer, SLC-C holds an event for the incoming freshmen. The school would give the students 2-days and 1-night for them to get to know the school, meet friends and have fun at the same time! A week before that, the moderator would contact us and we get together for brainstorming and we are the one's who are tasked to prepare EVERYTHING! Except the food:) We prepare the ID tags and the venue. During the event, We are tasked for the registration, the security, the preparation of the food (not the cooking), the cleaning, the re-arranging of the chairs, the games, the reflections and most especially the fun!
As for me, the experiences I had when I was still VERY ACTIVE (way back in high school) and even until now, being a PF is very memorable. I get to meet new people- kids that is; and every single event, I get to carve something remarkable to the student's hearts. Also, the friends that I've made and will make are the most important. The laughs and even the cries;) The FOOD! YES THE FOOD! THE VERY DELICIOUS FOOD that we share (literally share) with each and every member. Oh I will always miss the food. The bonding that we have in the things we do are worthless!
There are only some of the many reasons why some of the students would want to join the organization after having witnessed how it is to be a PF. Sometimes it is quite tiresome to be the one who's asked to do the tasks but then, FUN always dominates everything. Together with the school's help, we render service and fun as well.