Memoir: SLCC Summer Camp (2011)

In this years Summer Camp Orientation, i have made many new friends whom surely i will miss. I've made friends with my new co-peer facilitators (PF) && of course with the incoming first year students. I have no idea about how i did it but all i know, i am already confident enough to meet new people (regarding they're a lot younger than i am) But still.. the fact is that, i am going to miss them. Not only i will miss my younger friends but also the teachers i was once with and the SCHOOL && it's POLICIES.

Anyways, SCO 2011 was different. We had a lot of new stuffs being added, like the new challenging, mind buggling games and of course the whole NGILNGIGA RACE itself. We used money during the game which the participants would earn && for us PF's to give and take whenever they break rules.

Compared to last years SCO, yes of course i have met people, younger ones, but this years SCO was..more friendly than i thought. I became closer with the ones i was a stranger to which of course i am very happy about.

Favoritism is bad, but i just cannot help it. I even regreted why i only stayed && hanged with one team. I wish i could do with the other groups. BUT i never regreted meeting them.

I am so happy and thankful that i was given the opportunity to be a part of the "welcom committee" to the first years. Tears can easily fall from my eyes right now because I seriously am missing them NOW ! :c I hope, when i come and visit to last year's SLSM to SLC-C (Saint Louis College-Cebu) the youngsters i've met ... we've met wont ignore us. it'd be hurtful.


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